Julien Believe LIVE On FRPTV


Type : Public Event

Details: Julien Thompson, better knownby his stage name ‘Julien Believe’has taken the Caribbean music circuitby storm by being the first Bahamianartist to release singles with BeenieMan and other internationalsuperstars. Carved by his writingskills, smooth vocals, high energy andcharismatic performances, Julienused that momentum to launcha solo career, quickly becoming anaccomplished Bahamian solo artistand songwriter who has created thenew wave of music, the new sound ofThe Bahamas called Junkanoo Pop. An eclectic mix of island rhythmsfused with pop music, the JunkanooPop sound has been heard across theCaribbean and the United States,just recently hitting the globalstage by performing at the MissWorld 2015 competition in Sanya,China.” The talented creator of theJunkanoo Pop Sound was dubbedThe Bahamian Icon Award winner forthe Most Popular Song in 2014 forhis single ‘The Caribbean Slide’.This ultimately led to the inductionof the Caribbean Slide Project,where fans across the world wereasked to submit videos via YouTubeimitating the moves in the CaribbeanSlide video. Julien continued to capture therecognition and support of fansbeyond his local shores, earninghim the 2015 Cacique Awardnomination for Song of the Yearand the Bahamian Icon Awardnomination for the Most PopularSong of 2015. The imperturbableand ardent performer, and a truebeliever in ‘music from the heart’continues to break down barriers andshift the paradigm for music in TheBahamas. Julien’s hit single ‘Live andWine’ featuring international socaartist Bunji Garlin is the most playedsong in 2015 on Bahamian radio.Teaming up with 9-time GrammyAward winner John Legend andGrammy Award winning producerDana “Rockwilder” Stinson hascatapulted Julien’s gift as a singersongwriterto the next level.Being able to join creative forces withJohn Legend has paved the way forJulien’s hits like “Caribbean Slide”and “Winner”. Julien’s experienceshave inspired him to be ambitious,enterprising and motivated no matterthe odds. He believes in being bold,brave and determined to be whateveryou dream.